What Do You Have To Lose And What Do You Have To Gain By Running For President Of The United States Of America?

What do you have to loose? That's a question I posed to many Democratic candidates early in the primary process and found most of them had something to lose. Indeed, I wondered if they really even believed their own answer to that question, that they were fine with losing the House, the Senate, and perhaps the White House if that was what it took to get them the majority party position. Unfortunately, in the end Hillary Clinton lost the democratic nomination, Donald Trump secured the Republican nomination, and now we are heading into a very ugly general election.

Well, I am not writing this to worry about what do you have to lose in four years. I am writing to warn you against the Democratic candidate who won the African American vote and became the first female U.S President. Hillary Clinton's path to the nomination was riddled with crises, but she stayed in the race because of her support among the African American community and her personal attributes. If she had not secured the African American vote, she would have been toast.

What do you have to lose by trying something new? The next ten days will tell us whether or not the "expectations" of voters were too high. The Democrats nominated a candidate for President of the United States that was acceptable to every minority in the country and was viewed by a majority of voters as a leader. Hillary Clinton promised to bring change, and even promised to bring the jobs home of the Americans that had left for greener pastures since the 1980's.

The next ten days will tell us if the "expectations" of voters were too high. Hillary Clinton was repeatedly described by her opponents as the next President of the United States. She received more popular votes than Barack Obama did during his campaign. Yet, she still failed to secure the two most important items on the Democratic Party ticket: the presidential nomination and the U.S. Senate.

One item on the presidential ticket that Clinton may have lost is the endorsement of Senator Barrack Obama from the African American Community. Although Obama had the support of the black community and the Congressional Black Caucus, Clinton lost the black vote to Obama by five percentage points. Obama had the support of three former Presidents and many former cabinet members. Why did Hillary Clinton lose the African American vote to Obama?

What do you have to lose if you decide to try to save your Democratic nomination for the President of the United States by voting for Hillary Clinton? The answer is simple: The Grand Old Party has not been able to win over black Americans since the Civil War. Between the Ku-Klux-Klip-Nigris and the Redneck Democrats, it appears that no matter what President Obama does, there will be nothing to appease the African American community. The historic party of the south is not going to go along with any of the president's plans to help improve the economic status of the communities in the inner cities. The Democrats are not the party of the working class, but the party of the professional welfare queen. So what does Hillary Clinton need to gain in order to become the best candidate for the upcoming democratic primary?

Her biggest problem right now is her image. Senator Barrack Obama has managed to turn the race into a personality contest between the Democrats' front-runner and the democratic front-runner; between the haughty Massachusetts Senator and the hipster candidate from Illinois. Hillary Clinton has a long way to make repair her image with the American people. Her most serious obstacle is not her opponent, but the fact that she is not an outsider, nor does she possess the unique persona that would enable her to become the next president of the United States of America. Although she will never be able to change the fact that she is a woman, if she can manage to win over the younger voters, she has a good chance at becoming the next president of the United States of America.

What do you have to lose if you are an African American candidate running for president of the United States of America? You don't have to worry about losing any seats in the House of Representatives or losing the Senate seat when Obama is inaugurated later this year. What you do have to loose is your chances at the White House, what do you have to gain?
